With planes so full, airlines have limited reserve capacity to rebook customers after flights get canceled. 由于飞机载客太满,当航班取消之后,航空公司为乘客重新订票的备用票源非常有限。
In addition, big customers can purchase reserve capacity from power grid company who plays the role of insurer, for the purpose that the interrupted p. 文章针对电力企业大用户电能计量装置运行中存在的问题,从技术和管理两方面提出了具体的改进和防范措施。
Optimization of regional spinning reserve capacity based on improved genetic algorithm 基于改进遗传算法的区域旋转备用容量的优化
The grant will provide for standing reserve capacity within the FERN for response to chemical-related analysis needs, or an event of such significance that it threatens the national food supply. 威斯康星州的拨款将主要用于建设食品应急网络化学实验室的化学相关分析能力的储备,或处理威胁到国家食品供应这种重大事件。
Analysis and Research for Capacity Credit of Large Scale Wind Farms and Influence on Reserve Capacity of East China Electric Power Grid 大规模风电场容量可信度的分析及对华东电网备用的影响
Even with one kidney, there is enough renal reserve capacity to live a normal life. 既使只有一个肾,肾脏的代偿能力也足以满足需要。
The Study of the Pricing Mechanism about Charging for Reserve Capacity to the Enterprise Owned Private Power Plant; the planned outlays for new equipment. 向自备电厂企业收取备用费的定价方法研究计划购买新设备的费用。
Area power transaction ( TTC) among interconnected power systems reduces the reserve capacity and enhances secure and economic operation. 互联区域电网间的区域功率交换减少系统的备用容量,有利于电网的安全经济运行。
If wind power can be accurately forecast in advance, scheduling plan can be adjusted timely to ensure power quality, reduce system reserve capacity and acquire more economic and social benefits. 如果能够提前对风电功率进行准确的预测,则有利于及时调整调度计划,保证电能质量,减少系统备用容量,获得更多的经济效益和社会效益。
This is called reserve capacity. 这就称为备用容量。
Following the principle of unified planning and step-by-step implementation, China has built national oil reserve bases and expanded its oil reserve capacity. 遵循统一规划、步步执行的原则,中国建立了全国石油储备基地,扩大了石油储量。
We analyzed affecting approaches of American Cushing crude oil storage upon world oil base price, presented pertinent suggestions of construction of commercial reserve capacity for SINOPEC. 结合美国库欣原油库存对世界石油基准价格的影响路径分析,提出中国石化商储能力建设的针对性建议。
Immune Genetic Algorithms for Modeling Optimal Reserve Capacity of Interconnected Regional Power Systems 区域电力系统最优备用容量模型与算法
TSMC can afford to have idle reserve capacity because it has the lowest break-even utilisation rates in the industry, thanks to its technology leadership and its command of more than half of the contract chipmaking market. 台积电能够承受闲置的预备产能,是因为该公司凭借技术领先地位和占据代工芯片市场一半以上份额的支配地位,具有业内最低的盈亏平衡开工率。
For East China Grid, lack of reserve capacity is the main problem at present. At last, some factors, such as energy sources structure, network restriction and reliability indexes, are discussed and some suggestions are presented. 通过分析,指出了当前华东的备用的主要问题是装机容量不足,最后讨论了能源结构、网络约束、可靠性指标等问题,并提出了一些建议。
Economic Analysis on Pump Storage as Reserve Capacity for Power System 抽水蓄能电站承担系统备用容量的经济性分析
Then, proposed methods to increase the electricity elasticity of demand: to make the reserve capacity more elasticity and use the real-time price for the customers; 接着,提出了增加电力需求弹性的两个措施:研究确定出各种措施以使得系统操作员对运行备用容量的需求有弹性以及对于大用户用RT市场的真实价格;
The marketization leads to changes in vertical management mechanism of traditional electric power system, the reserve capacity and its dispatching method change consequently. 市场化导致了传统电力系统垂直管理体制的变化,备用容量大小的确定及其调度方法也将随之发生改变。
On the other hand, network stable operation is influenced without sufficient adequate reserve capacity. 缺电制约了各地经济的发展,同时造成了巨大的经济损失,同时由于系统充裕度水平下降,影响了电网的安全稳定运行。
Reserve capacity contributes to system security and reliability. 备用容量关系到电力系统的安全运行和可靠性。
Based on the study of some concepts and present researching situation in the reserve capacity of railway transport system, this paper deeply analyses the basic connotations and basic characteristics of the reserve capacity, which provides the foundation for further study. 在论述铁路运输系统储备能力的有关概念和研究现状的基础上,对储备能力的基本内含及基本特征进行了深刻的分析,从而为铁路运输系统储备能力的更深入研究提供了基础。
In addition, the thought on integral whole optimization of the transaction of reserve capacity and main energy supply is expounded and the principle to determine the capacity price of spinning reserve capacity and the energy price is given. 此外,还阐明了备用容量和主能量交易一体优化的思想以及确定备用容量的容量电价和电量电价的原则。
The system operator will determine the required reserve capacity and purchase it from the reserve suppliers. 系统运行人员负责确定并购买所需的备用容量,再把相应的费用分摊给用户。
The function, characteristics, implement measures and compensation means of AS in power system, such as AGC, Reserve Capacity ( Spinning Reserves, Non-spinning Reserves, Replacement Reserves), Reactive Voltage Support, Restore Black Start, are detailedly introduced. 详细地阐述了各种辅助服务:AGC、容量备用(旋转备用、非旋转备用、替代备用)、无功及电压支持和黑启动在电力系统中的功能、特点、实现方法及其补偿方法。
The relation among power system reserve capacity, power generation reliability and power consumption reliability and the determination of both power generation reliability pricing under different power generation reliability conditions and power consumption reliability pricing under different power consumption conditions are emphatically studied. 着重研究了系统的备用容量与发电可靠性和用电可靠性之间的关系以及不同发电可靠性条件下的发电可靠性电价和不同用电可靠性条件下的用电可靠性电价的确定。
The electricity pricing system for CCHP interconnection is worked out and suggestions for the compensatory expenses of the reserve capacity of power system made. The long-term fiscal and marginal cost methodologies are discussed for calculating the basic price of power tariff. 文中构建了CCHP系统并网的电价体系,提出了收取系统备用费的建议,探讨用会计成本和长期边际成本2种方法制定基本电价的计算模型。
The study and analysis of heart sounds signal is important as it help to evaluate the reserve capacity of our hearts. 对心脏储备能力进行评估的最重要方式之一就是对心音信号进行分析和研究。
The reserve capacity of power system is provided by generators and the regional tie-line power. 传统上,电力系统由区域内的发电机组以及区域间的联络线提供备用容量。
Assume that the wind power capacity and access point is fixed, the value and location of system reserve capacity have different contribution to the power system reliability. 在风电并网容量和接入点确定的情况下,系统备用储备的大小和地点同样对系统的可靠性提高有不同的贡献。
Therefore, both the interruptible load ( IL) of demand side and the reserve capacity of generation side can be involved in ancillary services markets as system reserve. 因此,需求侧可中断负荷(IL)和发电侧备用容量一样,都可作为系统的备用容量参与辅助服务市场。